Sut gallwch chi ymgysylltu â ni
P'un a ydych chi'n gwmni cyfreithiol bach ystwyth neu'n sefydliad cadarn, ar raddfa fawr, mae ein cenhadaeth yn glir: gwneud technolegau trawsnewidiol yn hygyrch, yn ddealladwy ac yn ymarferol i bawb.
Trwy ein hymdrechion cydweithredol, rydym yn eich gwahodd i gychwyn ar daith o esblygiad a thwf, gan harneisio potensial atebion blaengar. Mae dyfodol y gyfraith a gwasanaethau proffesiynol yma, ac rydym yma i'ch tywys drwyddo.
Darganfyddwch y posibiliadau diddiwedd, arhoswch ar y blaen, ac ymgysylltwch â ni i yrru arloesedd, ymchwil ac addysg yn y meysydd deinamig hyn. Gyda’n gilydd, byddwn yn llunio dyfodol arfer cyfreithiol, rhagoriaeth reoleiddiol, a darparu gwasanaethau proffesiynol.
Mae gennym ddiddordeb bob amser mewn clywed gan y rhai sydd wedi defnyddio ac ymchwilio i Dechnoleg Gyfreithiol yn eu gweithle a byddem wrth ein bodd yn clywed sut mae Technoleg Gyfreithiol wedi chwarae rhan yn eich rôl. Os oes gennych chi brofiadau i'w rhannu, byddem wrth ein bodd yn eu clywed!
Gyda datblygiad LegalTech yn blentyn newydd ar y bloc, gwyddom y gall fod heriau sylweddol yn aml wrth gyflwyno newid. Mae Labordy Arloesedd Cyfreithiol Cymru yma i'ch helpu i lywio Technoleg Gyfreithiol a nodi'r heriau hynny er mwyn chwalu'r dirgelion o'i gwmpas. Beth am gysylltu â'n tîm i drafod yr anawsterau o fabwysiadu Technoleg Gyfreithiol yn ehangach a'n helpu i ehangu'r gymuned Technoleg Gyfreithiol trwy dynnu sylw at y problemau hyn.
Sbardunwyd llawer o’n prosiectau cydweithio gan syniad sydd ers hynny wedi arwain at greu atebion arloesol sydd bellach yn gweithio er budd defnyddwyr a sefydliadau ehangach, gan helpu pobl i weithio’n gallach a gwella hygyrchedd. Os oes gennych syniad Technoleg Gyfreithiol yr hoffech ei drafod neu hyd yn oed broblem y credwch y byddai datrysiad Technoleg Gyfreithiol yn elwa arni ond nad ydych yn siŵr beth fyddai hwnnw, yna beth am estyn allan i’r Lab i ddarganfod sut rydym yn yn gallu cydweithio i greu atebion gwych.
P’un a ydych wedi goresgyn y rhwystrau hynny neu wedi aros yn stond, byddai’r Lab wrth eu bodd yn clywed am eich taith Technoleg Gyfreithiol ac yn helpu i ddod o hyd i ffordd i chi lywio byd Technoleg Gyfreithiol a gwneud iddo weithio i chi.
Digwyddiadau ac Ymgysylltu
Dr Sara Correia-Hopkins held a session as a guest speaker on - Hacking: When Is It Legal and Ethical? at the invitation of BVL (formerly Big Voice London), as part of their the BVL Model Law Commission 2022 project.
Swansea Law Clinic is assisting the Law Society by translating their pro bono manual into Welsh.
Swansea Law Clinic has taken part in the last two Law Clinics’ Global Day of Action for Climate Justice, which is held on the 17th November each year.
Since November 2019, Swansea Law Clinic has been running a Drop-in advice service on Wednesday afternoons.
The Cyber First First outreach programme encourages pupils in primary school to explore an interest in digital technologies and to help them realise that technology has implications across many disciplines and aspects of society, including law and ethics.
Dr Gemma Morgan and two interns from Swansea University are supporting the Youth Justice Board (YJB) Cymru to scope out current interventions available to young people in the Welsh language.
A meeting was held with the University’s procurement team to discuss the integration of social clauses when developing contracts with suppliers.
A task and finish group was established with the aim of identifying workable solutions and liaising with relevant stakeholders to disseminate information more effectively and implement necessary changes to combat ableism in academia.
Professor Richard Owen, Director of the Swansea Law Clinic is currently volunteering for the Ukraine Advice Project UK.
Dr Gemma Morgan is involved with the Mock Interview programme which has been running within all secondary schools in South Central for around 20 years, and is now well embedded within the schools’ World of Work Curriculum.
On International Women’s Day 8th March 2022, The Legal Innovation Lab Wales held an event spotlighting women who work in LegalTech within the Lab.
LILW applied to a funding call from the Morgan Advanced Studies Institute with a proposal in collaboration with Discovery, the University’s affiliated volunteering charity to increase accessibility to legal services for people with disabilities.
This year, we were delighted that we had 16 colleagues who contributed gifts to the scheme. We are so happy that we can spread even more joy this festive season to under-privileged children.
As part of our Legal Innovation Lab Wales Summer Week of Events, on 23rd June 2021 we hosted the panel: Technology and Access to Justice
On Friday 22nd January 2021 the Legal Innovation Lab Wales held our inaugural Future of Law, Together event. We had a fantastic discussion on the future of LegalTech in Wales, with keynote speaker, Counsel General Jeremy Miles, Member of the Senedd.
As part of our Legal Innovation Lab Wales Summer Week of Events, on 22nd June 2021 we hosted the panel: How can apps be used to support desistance from crime & improve wellbeing?
As part of our Legal Innovation Lab Wales Summer Week of Events, on 21st June 2021 we hosted the panel: How can apps be used to support desistance from crime & improve wellbeing?
Our Lead Software Developer took part in a panel discussing their work on the Include Journey UK app at Tech Fest 4 Good 2021 run by the Wales Cooperative Centre.
SWELL is a Sustainability and Wellbeing scheme that rewards staff at Swansea University for taking positive steps.
These positive steps will earn people Green Points by taking part in a number of sustainability and wellbeing activities.
Dr Gemma Morgan has a long-standing research collaboration with Include UK a third sector organisation who provide support for a range of offending populations. The aim is to implement digital technologies that can support desistance.
Here we highlight how we are Mainstreaming the Welsh Language on our project.
We have volunteered our project to use the draft Green Grants Tool developed by Swansea University’s Sustainability Team.
The Hillary Rodham Clinton School of Law has been awarded the Athena Swan Bronze Award, in recognition for its work towards promoting gender equality and diversity more broadly and identifying and addressing the challenges particular to the department and the disciplines.