Athena Swan Bronze Award

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The Hillary Rodham Clinton School of Law has been awarded the Athena Swan Bronze Award, in recognition for its work towards promoting gender equality and diversity more broadly and identifying and addressing the challenges particular to the department and the disciplines. Sara Correia played a key role in the data analysis and visualisation required to complete the application for the award. This involved analysing, summarising and communicating data on student outcomes, as well as staff recruitment and career progression within the department and across out programmes of study and research, to evidence where we are and create an evidence-based action plan to increase equality and diversity within the school. This award is valid until April 2025.

At Swansea University, we have enjoyed a long and proud association with the Athena SWAN initiative. Our University has been a member since 2008 and, in 2017, we were the first Welsh Higher Education institution to achieve the silver Athena SWAN Charter award at University level. The initial goal of the awards was to remove barriers to progression for women in STEMM subjects, but today they have expanded to recognise work undertaken to address gender equality broadly.

Holding the charter and working towards the various awards helps us to meet the requirements and expectations of some research councils and funders, and we know that it is also a significant factor in attracting both staff and students. Most importantly, our continued Athena SWAN success demonstrates our continued commitment to equality, and to providing an inclusive and supportive environment that enables all of our staff and students to fulfil their potential.

One of our lecturers in Cyber Threats, Dr Sara Correia did all of the data analysis, including all graphs and statistics for this Athena Swan submission. This involved looking at student admissions data, student outcome data, then assessing data around staff progression and hiring. All about gender diversity. It’s school specific. As a result of that, Sara is now involved in the Faculty EDI committee.


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