Mainstreaming the Welsh Language


When producing all of our marketing materials, we ensure that everything is bilingual. Our website has full English and Welsh versions with an easy toggle at the top of the page

We have Welsh subtitles on our project’s promotional video

When sending out promotional emails, we get them translated so that there is a Welsh option.

We employ professional Welsh translators to ensure that the translations are of the highest standard.

Starting in July 2020, Freya Michaud has been attending a weekly 2 hour Introductory Welsh course. The course takes place over Zoom and follows a set course book and is in a group classroom setting with other learners and a teacher.

She is also undertaking self study with a specific Work Welsh exercises via an online learning portal.

The course is provided to Learn Welsh, run by The National Centre for Learning Welsh, which is responsible for all aspects of the Learn Welsh sector - from curriculum and course development to resources for tutors, research, marketing and e-learning.

The Centre was established in response to the report, Raising our sights: review of Welsh for Adults, The Centre operates at arm's length from Welsh Government, which funds it, and is part of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David group.

This has contributed to mainstreaming of the Welsh language as Freya is better able to use appropriate workplace Welsh with colleagues, stakeholders and in Welsh language awareness. Freya has ensured that all phone answering is bilingual, as well as email signatures and out of office messages.

These actions contribute directly to the Mainstreaming of the Welsh Language Cross-Cutting Theme.


Include UK Journey project


Green Grants Tool